Hello! Just call me Yuzu/Jeruq. I'm of legal age so... hehe ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ )I'm from Indonesia. I mostly speak Indonesian bcs my English so broken TwTI made this carrd is dedicated to DocSona and Doctor OC in Arknights Fandom


About Yuzuru, she/her, ???, INFP, main Doctor of Rhodes Island, have 4 adopted children (KazeYuu, Kays, Yukio, Chiaki)Likes Amiya (lil babuy), sleep, dark chocolate, snow leopard (absolutely not SilverAsh), blue and green thingsDislikes oripathy, Enciodes SilverAsh (affectioned)



About Kazehara Yuuta a.k.a KazeYuu, he/him, 20, ENFP, doctor's assistant when Yuzu not in Rhodes IslandLikes Enciodes SilverAsh, his family (Yuzu, KayS, Yukio, Chiaki), fluffy operator tail, cooking, holiday, cuddleDislikes oripathy, sweet food, piling up tasks

© Felix Lennart

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© Owie Wie

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